Dan McNeely looks to repeat in the Main Division. (Joe McLean image)

Joe McLean reports the PGA of Ottawa Spring Open on the Flagstick.com PGA Ottawa Tour sponsored by Cobra Puma Golf will be hosted by eQuinelle Golf Club in Kemptville on May 27.

The 2024 Spring Open features a strong field with participation by 68 PGA of Ottawa Golf Professionals in LadiesSenior and Open divisions. In addition, 12 candidates for membership are taking their PGA of Canada Playability Tests.

“I am thrilled to have such a strong field representing multiple divisions to open up the 2024 Flagstick.com PGA Ottawa Tour season” said Carol Ann Baxter, Executive Director of the PGA of Ottawa. 

After the successful change to the scoring format for last year in the Spring Open, this event will again use the Stableford Points System where 1 point will be awarded for a bogey, 2 points for a par, 3 points for a birdie, 4 points for an eagle and 5 points for an albatross.

Rideau View‘s Dan McNeely will be defending his 2023 Spring Open Championships in the Main Division against strong competition. 

Included in the Open Division competition for the first time will be two lady professionals from the Rivermead Golf Club, Head Professional Sarah Landry and Assistant Professional Jany Martin

Unfortunately, Ottawa Hunt & Golf Club‘s Tara McInroy in the Ladies Division and Pasquale Mongillo from Archies Family Golf Centre in Cornwall in the Seniors Division will not defend their 2023 Spring Open Championship wins.